6th August event 2022
Water Health Conference Perth | Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre
Voice Recorded Copies (including power point presentations ) are now available for purchase
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All who attended the event receive a copy of the PDF power point presentations at no cost .
New regulatory framework for drinking water in WA (1 hour )
Presented by Richard Theobald |Managing Scientist Water Department of Health, Western Australia
The implementation of the Public Health Act 2016 (Public Health Act) provides a rare opportunity (once in 100 years) to: set standards for key water quality criteria, assess public health risks relevant to the quality of drinking water from the catchment to the consumer for all drinking water supplies in WA.
The new regulatory framework for drinking water will bring WA into alignment with other jurisdictions in Australia that provide for risk management plans, drinking water quality standards and reporting on drinking water quality
New Policy - Managed aquifer recharge in Western Australia and Using Mar in Australia (45mins)
Presented by Yvonne Thomson | Policy Officer - Lead author of the 2011 and 2021 MAR policies
Department of Water and Environmental Regulation
The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation released an updated policy and new guideline on managed aquifer recharge (MAR) in January 2021.
The documents provide a management framework for MAR operations under the current water and environmental legislation in Western Australia. They include useful information to assist with establishing a MAR project, while ensuring the environment, water users and public health are protected.
As climate change continues to impact on our traditional water sources, new and innovative ways are being looked at to secure water supplies. MAR provides an approach that can help make the best re-use of our valuable water resources and create climate-resilient supplies. The MAR policy and guideline were delivered as part of the McGowan Government's Waterwise Perth Action Plan, with the aim of facilitating the re-use of WA's valuable water resources.
The plan and revised MAR policy will contribute to achieving two key targets of the Waterwise Perth Action Plan:
• to reduce groundwater use by 10 per cent across the Perth and Peel region by the year 2030; and
• to ensure recycled and alternative water supplies make up 45 per cent of the projected gap between future water demand and water supply.
This presentation will provide an overview of the new policy and guidelines ...and include Q & A
Application of the policy - managed aquifer recharge for public water supply (1 hour )
Presented by Simon Higginson |Managed Aquifer Recharge Advisor
Water Corporation
Simon will discuss the application of the new policy and guidelines
Management Framework for MAR Operations under the current water and environmental legislation in WA
Richard Theobald |Managing Scientist Water
Department of Health, Western Australia
In 1911 when the first Health Act came into effect Perth was a different swampier place than it is now. One key part of the Health Act was to enforce the controlled collection and disposal of sewage, but another lesser known part were powers enabling the draining of lands. Both were intended to control the spread of disease.
Now with the Public Health Act 2016 and the current development of subsidiary legislation the question is what risk to public health is posed by the various forms of water collection, infiltration, storage and reuse such as MAR.